New paper on seed dispersal by animal frugivores in PNAS

New paper in PNAS just published

We have just published our paper “Jordano, P., C. García, J.A. Godoy, and J.L. García-Castaño. 2007. Differential contribution of frugivores to complex seed dispersal patterns. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA, 104: 3278-3282”. These are great news since it represents a great advance in the analysis of frugivore-created seed shadows. We document the differential contribution of different frugivore groups to seeds dispersed a given distance, using direct assignement procedires based on DNA genotyping methods. At the moment it’s the first approximation we have available to the total dispersal kernel of a plant species.
The paper has been extensively commented in the ‘Perspectives in Science’ section of Science journal. Please see the publications list for details.